Labiaplasty Recovery Progress | Labiaplasty by Dr. Oppenheimer

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Labiaplasty Recovery Progress | Labiaplasty by Dr. Oppenheimer

I saw this 19 year old patient in my clinic today following a labiaplasty three weeks ago. The only time she had pain during her labiaplasty recovery was within the first few hours after surgery, and she was able to control her pain with ice packs only! She found this recovery to be very easy, and did not need any pain medications after her labia reduction surgery.

You can see in this labiaplasty before and after pic that by the three week mark she is fully healed with no obvious scars or incision lines! She really has healed beautifully and was even surprised herself with how quick her labiaplasty recovery was!

Most patients think that because the vaginal area is sensitive, the recovery from labia surgery will be long and arduous, but in fact, a labiaplasty recovery is very quick with about two days of downtime and three weeks out of the gym, and that’s it. You can see by the way that this patient healed after her labiaplasty that the recovery is quick and easy. I’m super excited for her to get back to her normal life, exercise and activities. I can already tell that she has a lot more confidence after her labiaplasty surgery!

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