Labiaplasty Case | Labiaplasty by Dr. Oppenheimer
Today’s labiaplasty patient is a lovely 27-year-old who has seen us previously for a breast augmentation. I’m very honored to have her come back today to have her labiaplasty performed. We almost always perform these surgeries under local anesthetic and today we added an oral sedative to that plan.
The patient said that the process was quite easy and was less painful than any tattoo she’s had, she only felt the needle poke for the first few seconds of the surgery. I tried to show a little more of the procedure process today, including how much bleeding you can expect during a labiaplasty surgery, as well as the actual injection technique. This video is a little longer so if you’re interested, you can see some of those details. I also go into a little more in depth on the suture technique that I use and the type of sutures as well. All the sutures I use for my Labiaplasties are dissolving so that there are no “track marks” or really any visible scarring.

Another thing to note with today’s case is that there was some asymmetry of her labia, with the right side extending down toward the perineum, so you’ll see that her excision patterns are different from right to left.
Again, I’m always super happy to have earned the trust of the women who come and see me for labiaplasty surgery. I think her surgery went great and her results will turn out excellent. I’m really happy for her to move on from some of the discomfort and insecurities that she had.