Why I became a doctor…

When I was 5 years old, I got my first bike without training wheels. Sticking my tongue out to concentrate (a habit I still can’t shake) I wobbled, desperately trying to steady myself. As I got around my first curve, the wheels skidded out and I fell–chin first–on the pavement. My tongue was bit almost in half: through-and-through; hanging on “by a thread.” Lots of blood (I hate the sight of blood!) and a frantic rush to find my grandfather ensued: he was, of course, a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

Fast-forward about 30 years, and my tongue works just fine. All I have is the scar and the story. Which is actually remarkable given that the tongue is innervated by 5 different cranial nerves: the hypoglossal (for movement), the trigeminal & glossopharyngeal (for touch), and the facial & vagus nerves (for taste). Absolutely remarkable! Five different nerves that all found their way back on course.

Following My Role-Model Into Plastic Surgery

Needless to say, I grew to idolize my grandfather. I worked with him and my uncle: sterilizing instruments and painting water-stained ceiling tiles in the office at first, then progressing to the operating room. It’s a true story that I nearly fainted the first time I did a case with my Gramp, but I promise I’ve been rock-steady on my feet since then.

​As you’d expect with any family tradition, I owe a great deal of respect to the work they’ve done. It is my life’s greatest honor to be a third generation plastic surgeon, and I’m committed to helping the world, both locally and globally.​I find myself looking towards the future. My goals? To change the dialogue about the meaning of plastic surgery and in so doing, to make exceptional plastic surgery available to all.

The Team

The Team
This is a team of women I trust every day for the care of my plastic surgery patients.

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